No idea, why the Lino like floor smells like fish but I got everything in, leaving the window open. Since it got quite cold outside and I don’t have a heating it feels fresh and funky right now. I put some lights in the room – looks more warm. Same music like in CYBAR through a Bang & Olufsen Play Beoply A1. Nice – TY for the music DJ BoYoung! Finally, I got our first temporary working place ready. Just the window shading is missing – thats easy – its very small and I plan to work mostly when its dark anyways. The door is supposed to come on Saturday – almost ready – lets take a look:
Finally I got a place for the films, chemicals, accessories, cameras etc. I guess I am running out of place already there.
We tried to load a roll of Fuji ACROS Neopan 100 into the Zenit, which was difficult because there was nothing to hook the film to the spooling mechanism. Finally, I glued the film to the spool with a piece of tape and hope for the best.
Something else seems strange about the lens. When you put it to aperture 11 it is fully open – on 2 it is closed. Wow! How can this happen? Well – I tried to develop film packing paper the other day so – I better stay ready for mistakes and strange things to occur.
Another beauty of camera that we welcomed today to our workshop is the ZORKI 4.
A legend of a camera, that with its production starting in 1956 outlast all of its rivals as the NIKON S2 or the LEICA M3. Enjoy the following cleaning process – this camera didn’t get this attention for a long time and will deliver some nice shots in return – maybe. For all or you with this nice camera that want to invest an hour to get to know their camera I suggest watching Rob Nunns Zorki 4k Rangefinder 35mm Film Camera Beginners Guide. If you have less time (3 Minutes), try: Kenneth Wajda’s Thoughts on the ZORKI 4.
Since maybe more people will try to reactivate these old cameras, I want to raise your awareness to an important point: As with other Soviet-era rangefinders, the shutter speed selector rotates when the shutter is released, and should not be changed until after the shutter has been cocked. If the shutter speed is changed without cocking the shutter first, the setting pin can be broken when the film is advanced. On the following Shutter Sound Video you can actually see the speed selector moving while the shutter is released and while the camera is cocked.
We will not trust all these old light meters but everybody can make new use of their smartphones installing a light meter application. I cannot really suggest one for ANDROID or IPHONE and want to compare different ones, when we use them. If you have suggestions about certain applications, notice mistakes or have other suggestions – leave your print in the comments. Thanks!
And by the way – if you are from the workshop people, have time and like to read more – read my blog from the first post. The blog is written for you – the people interested. And as I stated somewhere before, analog, you get creative, before you shoot your first picture. This happens, when you choose your film! In the first blog I link all the films that we have available to experiment with – now they reached their final position, looking a little bit more organized:
Here are some more impressions from the new temporary working place for the workshops – Take care and have a nice day!